שיעור לנשים – ראש חודש לתמוז

from Jane Medved

Ladies –

I know it's confusing. Tammuz already? School's not even over yet. But that's the way it is with time – it just sweeps us along whether we are thinking about it or not. So, let's take a look together at Chodesh Tammuz, the Three Weeks and what this window of time is offering us. Announcing… (drum roll) The Baka Rosh Chodesh Shiur (for women) for Tammuz!

WHEN: This coming shabbat – June 15 – Parashat "Chukat" 5:45 p.m.*

*please note. we have fallen in love with starting on time. It's a long day, but we want to give everyone the chance to get back home for seudat shlishit or whatever other plans they have. The shiur will start at the time listed. If you arrive and the front door is closed – go back to the front and enter through the library. There will be seats available for you there.

WHERE: Jane Medved's house. Rehov Zerubavel 6, Baka

WHO: Jessica Sacks – Jessica grew up in London and made aliya in 2004. She has a BA in English Literature from Cambridge and an MA in Aggada waiting patiently for completion on a shelf somewhere in the Hebrew University. She works as a liturgical translator for Koren Publications and is a graduate of Ein HaNatziv and Beit Morasha. If you haven't had a chance to hear her at Yakar, this is your opportunity to find out what everyone is raving about!

WHAT: "Good Mourning: preparing for the three weeks" – IN ENGLISH

WHY: It's a long shabbat and how much can you sleep and eat anyway?

See you on Shabbat – Jane